March ’06 Installment: Fabric

fabric โ€“ The arrangement and physical relationship of components or constituent elements of something

Click around. Drag around. Go play.

This is the most over-due installment I have made in 5 years. So what does that mean? It means I'm getting better at not caring, which is an overlooked quality in some situations.

The sound ambience is courtesy of reinsamba of the Freesound Project.

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March ’06 Installment: Fabric

4 responses to “March ’06 Installment: Fabric”

  1. Yeah I agree, not caring is a liberating quality which positive aspect should be given more emphasis. Applying this “set of mind” is not always applicable but I would argue that it should be practiced in more occasions than less. Then again, everything is relative, it depends on the situation. blah blah blah blah..

    Lovely gradient effects and lighting Joen.

  2. Anders Lunarmedia Vindberg said:

    Yeah I agree, not caring is a liberating quality which positive aspect should be given more emphasis. Applying this ?set of mind? is not always applicable but I would argue that it should be practiced in more occasions than less. Then again, everything is relative, it depends on the situation. blah blah blah blah..

    Lovely gradient effects and lighting Joen.

    Thanks ol’ friend. Well, “not caring” is a virtue when “caring” means trivialities in our daily life. We should of course, care for the things that matter in the long run… but we rarely view life from the really big angle… the angle in which most things that matter in our daily life become pointless and laughable.

  3. Naughty Joen, you’ve still got another revision of Fauna to churn out. ๐Ÿ˜›

    But it’s nice to see you stepping back a little and having a little bit of a break, you more than deserve it.